Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Explosive Action as Star Buster Atom Continues!! Yea!

Our first go at a fight scene in this series! Finally! My intention was for this comic to be a healthy mix of action, comedy, and just plain storytelling, so I hope that's what I've done so far. I'm mostly pleased with the look of these pages, which called for me to really pull out the ol' bag of shonen tricks, something I haven't really done in years, except for maybe Janken!!, so it was kind of a treat to do.

I keep saying I have other stuff ready to post, and then I don't end up having it done to a level I'm happy with. I'm NOT good at this stuff. I did finally get a copy of Rodea the Sky Soldier, which I'm having a pretty good time with.  A little rough around the edges, but the fundamental pleasure of the flight, exploration and combat shine through with some practice. I'm playing the Wii U version first, though I've heard the Wii version is much more natural. That doesn't surprise me, but I'd rather get the most out of the Wii U version before trying out the allegedly superior Wii game.

I've been tossing around the idea of doing some less visual story telling here occassionally, so I'm playing around to see if any of my terrible ideas from the past might turn out to be good terrible ideas now. Ultimately its probably best that I just focus on Star Buster Atom in terms of narrative stuff, but who knows.

Anyway, hopefully I'll have a couple pages ready for next Monday. I actually did have all the pages ready to go yesterday, but I didn't want to cheapen the spirit of the holiday by hawking my comic all over the internet.

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